Cleaning seed and grain to achieve the optimum high quality of germination, purity, and uniformity involves many processes.
McKenna Engineering has over 40 years experience in providing product consulting, sales, and service within the Seed and Grain conditioning industry. Every seed and grain unique and in need of its on specific processing. Cleaning seed and grain to achieve the optimum high quality of germination, purity, and uniformity involves many processes. We share all our expertise to guide you towards the best process configuration and are flexible in our approach to designing solutions. We always strive to ensure that you have the knowledge required to make you feel confident in your decision. We offer both product and project sales and services from small sized upgrades to full turnkey solutions. Consult with an engineer today for information on Modular Cleaners, Pre-cleaners, Fine cleaners, Length separators, Gravity separators, Transport equipment, and more.
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